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Add Bot for Wallet Verification

First Step: Click on the button below to automatically Add Cedar Bot to your server. (If you did this already skip to Second Step)

Choose the server you want to add CedarBot to. Then Authorize the needed permissions. (You can always change that later)

Second Step: Create a new "Private" Channel and add CedarBot Role. Should be the first one in Grey color

Third Step (Important Step):
In the channel you created, type the "/" slash character to activate the list of commands. 
Select the command
/admin-server-onboard  from the drop down menu & hit Enter.
You should see the message saying
"Server on-boarded"


Fourth Step:
Move CedarBot to the top of the roles in your server settings > roles

Read more about how you can use CedarBot to verify wallet address & assign roles automatically to users based on their NFTs

Cedar Bot Help Center

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